Sutton Civic and Town Centre Regeneration

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What are Sutton Council’s plans?


In October 2022 Sutton Council announced their plans to redevelop the St Nicholas Centre.

More recently, they announced the next stage of their ambitious plans to transform Sutton town centre.

Over the next 10 years, they plan to replace the St Nicholas Centre with new, higher-quality buildings including shops, restaurants, bars, new council offices including a library and community hub, as well as much-needed affordable homes.

They will also create new outdoor spaces and improve existing ones, adding more greenery and better walking and cycling routes.

The existing Civic Centre site – which includes the council’s offices, Sutton Library, and Sutton College, as well as the Gibson Road Car Park and the disused Secombe Theatre – will be sold and could be used for new homes, including affordable housing.

The Omniplex Cinema and the St Nicholas Centre Car Park will stay and benefit from better connections to the high street.


Why are they doing this?


Replacing the shopping centre with a better mix of shop units, restaurants, homes and things to do will help make Sutton a destination for shopping and socialising. It will mean more customers for local businesses and boost our high street for years to come.

Moving the council’s offices also will make it easier to access our services, reduce our carbon footprint and save more than £1 million every year in running costs. Sutton Council will also be sharing the space with their partners, making it easier to find all the support you need in one place.

Creating a new, more sustainable Civic Centre, new outdoor spaces, boosting biodiversity and making it easier to cycle and walk will help Sutton reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030.


When will the changes happen?

This is a long-term project and will be delivered over the next 10 years.

Sutton Council is expecting to announce the outcome of this process in September 2024 and will then work with the developer to share a more detailed timeline for the redevelopment.

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